working relationship
26-Jun-2021 By - team

No matter what position you hold in the company, your success depends on your capacity to establish and maintain effective working connections. These connections could be made with coworkers inside or externally with clients or prospective business partners. In either case, people who are able to collaborate well and connect on a professional level will be more likely to produce more noteworthy outcomes. Take into account the following advice if you're wondering how to create more beneficial and productive working partnerships.

1. Make an effort to remember names

Even though it's a straightforward procedure, many of us have trouble remembering names. It is important to repeat someone's name after they have been introduced when you first meet them. This will make it easier for you to keep their name in mind going future.

Business relationships are the connections you build with your customers, team members and business partners. Starting relationships in a positive way can help you maintain long-lasting, productive connections to help an organization grow.

Why do relationships matter? It's because creating a relationship with both new and potential customers allows businesses to offer a more personalized and enticing customer experience. In a recent study, 86% of customers claim their experiences are just as important as the actual product or service they purchase.

3 Crucial Elements of Successful Business Relationships
  • Communication. Open communication and transparency. Without a doubt. ...
  • Trust. Trust. It forms the foundation for relationships with customers, employees and suppliers. ...
  • Credibility. Successful business relationships are built on your own credibility.
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Nothing seems more professionally and perhaps unpleasant than saying you forgot the name of your new contact. Remembering and utilising someone’s name makes you appear more professional and engaged in what they do as opposed to careless.

2. Note something unique about the person

People are more inclined to disclose a few details about their family or personal interests with you if they feel comfortable doing so. If you want to create enduring and fruitful professional relationships, try to write down one or two of these points if you feel you can’t recall them.

Knowing that John enjoys golf, a simple question like “How was golf on the weekend, John?” can go a long way towards establishing a personalised, professional relationship. Comments like this demonstrate to the contact that you are truly interested in them and that you are a good person to network with.

3. Go above and beyond

We are frequently too preoccupied working on our own projects in the fast-paced business world of today to help others or put more effort into duties. If you want to develop relationships within your organisation, attempt to offer to assist colleagues when they ask for it or demonstrate your commitment to the team rather than simply your own interests. Showing that you’re willing to put in more effort than is necessary for external contacts or clients will make them feel valued.

This can greatly help develop good professional relationships because it’s a personalised approach that shows who you are. If time is an issue, demonstrate your ability to go above and beyond in other ways specific to your work or company.

Ten tips to improve supplier relationships

Successful supply chain management organisations recognise the importance of maintaining strong connections with their suppliers. These businesses excel at creating relationships of trust and confidence with their suppliers that foster information sharing and the discovery of chances for improvement.

Here are the top 10 suggestions for enhancing supplier relationships and contract performance, based on 20 years of experience building and sustaining strategic supplier partnerships for Australia’s major organisations.

1. Be proactive

Addressing concerns, difficulties, and problems as they arise to stop them from growing into more serious problems. Trust and respect can be developed via open communication and proactive action.

2. Communicate regularly and effectively

A common understanding is produced by communication. A common understanding prevents uncertainty and dispute. A face-to-face conversation is an essential component of effective communication. Those in charge of contracts should not hide behind emails. Also keep in mind that communication is two-way.

3. Establish roles and responsibilities and remember them

Performance is determined by aptitude, drive, and role clarity. To maximise value and produce advantageous results for both parties, each must clearly understand their respective roles, those of their counterparts, and how the two fit together.

4. Understand  the contractual obligations

A common belief is that a good contractual arrangement is one in which the contract can be used as a doorstop. Right? Wrong.

Shareholders, contract managers, and those who use the services must all have faith that the supplier will fulfil their orders.

Both parties recognise and uphold their responsibilities in a successful contractual relationship.

5. Behave ethically and honestly at all times

Trust is difficult to earn and simple to lose. Building a reputation for moral and honest behaviour can help build trust, and relationships will grow much more easily with trust.

6. Regularly review the deliverables and performance

Every contract management wants to be sure that the services being provided meet their expectations for quality and quantity. An effective performance evaluation should involve more than just measurement. It ought to be a practise in ongoing development.

7. Identify and monitor risks

Before risks are identified and monitored, they cannot be managed. Make sure hazards are identified at all stages of operations by working with your supplier.

8. Seek professional advice

You most likely don’t diagnose your health issues or repair your vehicle. Recognize when it is appropriate to seek legal, technical, or consulting guidance from a third party.

9. Be reasonable and fair

A manager who is overbearing, unreasonable, or unfair will not get any respect. Be dependable in the way you handle your source. Use common sense and be aware of any mitigating factors that may be affecting the issue.

10. Establish the basis of the working relationship

From the beginning, lay the groundwork for your partnership. This means that before beginning the process, you must have a clear idea of the connection you desire. In order to carry out transition in a way that represents the anticipated working relationship, draught a contract, engage the market, handle discussions, and so forth.

Although not all organisations display these behaviours, those that do establish more durable, trustworthy, and financially advantageous long-term connections.


Return on relationship: How accountants can build client engagement

The need for accountants to establish strong, long-lasting bonds with their clients has never been greater.

Traditional accountants need to step up their game, according to Andrew Albury FCPA, director and senior private client adviser at MGD Wealth in Brisbane. He observes that the value of offering compliance services is declining due to automation and less expensive offshore choices.

“The distinctions between the services given by accountants and financial planners are blurring thanks to recent legislative reforms to the licencing scheme,” he says. “Many persons coming into the industry have abilities in both these areas.”

Financial planners assist their clients in making plans for the future, which frequently fosters a closer relationship with clients than many accountants do, who generally focus on looking backwards at what has already occurred.

According to Albury, accountants need to get involved in activities that are difficult to reproduce online.

Technical proficiency and math crunching will not be given as much weight as interpersonal, marketing, and communication skills. And many people in the financial planning sector have these skills.

An investigation conducted by CPA Australia recently seems to support this opinion.

According to Peter Docherty, general manager of public practise at CPA Australia, “Our research reveals that the desirable traits for accountants are trustworthiness, knowledge, and qualifications, and these are the areas accountants perform best in.”

“The research has also shown how important it is to continue focusing on the soft skills that employers value. Being approachable, amiable, and engaging are a few of these.

So how do accountants begin developing these abilities and strengthening client relationships? Read on.

Get out and about

“Partners in smaller accounting firms should delegate the compliance and tax work to those more junior to them, freeing them up to actively engage clients and seek to bring value to their clients’ businesses,” advises Albury.

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Many of our clients frequently lament the fact that they seldom get to visit their accountants. As advisors, we frequently roam the streets. We would much rather be on a client’s territory and face-to-face with them than on ours.

Direct communication is unbeatable, according to Smithink director and CPA Mark Holton. Smithink provides consulting to accounting firms.

Social media, newsletters, and emails are great ways to engage customers, but how can you tell whether they are actually being read and understood?

Become more client-centric

Albury is a firm believer in placing the needs of the client at the centre of all an accountant’s work.

“Historically, accountants have always been a key player in a client’s environment, and they need to properly position themselves to maintain this role. They must essentially become a one-stop shop if they want to remain relevant.

He advocates a shift to whole wealth management, which includes succession planning, tax structures, estate planning for investments, and superannuation.

“These all have a function to fulfil. I don’t see the point in looking at them separately. You must make sure that these places are properly communicating with one another. This is possible thanks to a network of reliable referral partners.

“However, I’d advise accountants to take a more active role in the recommendation process. Don’t just provide your phone number to someone since you risk losing control of the situation. If you hold the client’s hand throughout the procedure, accompany them to the appointment; they will still think highly of you [since you arranged the meeting with the expert].

Know your client better

Knowing your clients and their businesses better is, in the words of Greg Hayes, a managing director of Easton Investments and the founder of Hayes Knight NSW, “the key to building a solid relationship” because it “makes them feel that you have their best interests at heart and have taken the time to understand them.”

Albury concurs. “Know what their children are doing and how they are doing physically. All of those topics make for interesting discourse. Every appointment with a client would typically begin with 15 to 30 minutes of socialising. Everyone is aware that people enjoy talking about themselves since it helps them feel good about whatever decision they are making.

“Don’t only focus on the timepiece. The deeper relationship and [how] that supports you in adding value will ultimately allow you to charge what you need to for this, which requires a new form of compensation.

Holton firmly believes that a client’s needs should be assessed.

“You have a face-to-face conversation with them about their problems, advantages, disadvantages, dangers, funding problems, and succession planning. We have a paper at Smithink that contains roughly 100 open-ended questions to ask clients.

This activity is meant to strengthen relationships. Additionally, it demonstrates to clients our keen interest in every facet of their organisation. Additionally, it helps us fully comprehend what the client requires so that we can provide exceptional services like company advisory, estate planning, and financial planning. It’s crucial to learn what keeps the client up at night.

Be more proactive

According to Hayes, it’s critical to look ahead rather than simply responding to your client’s current circumstances.

“You can really add value to the relationship if you can start giving the client recommendations about where they are going. To do this, you must have gotten to know your clients well enough to comprehend both who they are as people and what they do for a living. You cannot provide value in the same way to everyone since they will not be the same.

Communicate more often

According to a recent study on client loyalty by CPA Australia, tax time should be used as a springboard for a closer bond with clients.

“Our findings also emphasise a need to continuously describe the spectrum of services that accountants may provide, so they avoid being consistently positioned as taxes specialists or offering transactional advice,” says Docherty.

Holton also suggests increasing the frequency of communication channels so that accountants may get to know their clients better and add value more proactively. Docherty cites a few examples of these: periodic mailings, social media, customer surveys, seminar administration, and client events.

“Accountants require a highly comprehensive marketing strategy that incorporates all of these elements, but nothing beats chatting over a cup of coffee with a client about their aspirations, business, family, and themselves. In addition to strengthening your partnership, this presents a chance to identify your services. It should be done at least once a year.

According to Hayes, accountants can formalise how they interact with their clients. For instance, they may make sure to communicate with their better clients once a month, keep them updated on happenings, and invite them to client gatherings that they host. Showing clients you care about them and that they are more than just a number is important.

Take corrective action early.

Hayes advises taking a step back if there are indications that a relationship might be deteriorating.

Try to determine what the issue is. Any problem is usually simpler to solve if you know what it is. After that, try to come up with solutions when sitting down with the client. The truth is that there is always more to be done. Anyone who claims to have the ideal client relationship management system is most likely deluding themselves. You need to continue monitoring client management since it will continue to change.

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